Friday, 20 July 2018


After a few unavoidable delays, we are pleased to now finally be able to confirm arrangements for the 2018 Pendle War Poetry Competition.

The closing date for the 2018 competition is 30th September 2018.

Entries should be submitted via email to,

You must also include your name, age, if under 18 and geographical location.

There is a maximum of TWO poems per person.

There is NO CHARGE for entering the competition.

Depending on the final amount of entries received, prizes will be awarded as follows:

UK & Ireland Adult: 1st 2nd & 3rd
Overseas Adult:  1st, 2nd & 3rd
Under 18: 1st 2nd & 3rd
Photo / Art:  1st 2nd & 3rd

Any entries received after the closing date will be rolled over and used for the next year’s competition.

Winners and shortlisted entrants in each category will be announced on the competition website from 1st November 2018 onwards.   

The winning entries in each category will be included in the 2018 Competition Anthology book as will all shortlisted entries.

The winners will receive a free copy of the Anthology book.

All shortlisted entrants will have the opportunity to buy copies of the Anthology book at a reduced rate.

Any enquiries should be addressed to the organisers via email at