Tuesday, 13 November 2018
2018 Results - Overseas Adults Poems
Today – at long last - we are pleased to announce the winning entries in the Overseas Adult Poems category of the competition.
The First Prize goes to the poem " WAITING" by Frank Murdoch of Lamma Island, Hong Kong
2nd Prize goes to "Barrow" by Julian Aiken from Connecticut, USA
and 3rd Prize goes to "AMBER" by Stephen J. Cribari from Minnesota, USA
There is also a Highly Commended award for "Where in Hell is God Now?" By Henry Spencer of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
The winning poem is reproduced here and all four poems are included in the Overseas anthology.
The prize winners will each receive a competition certificate and free copy of the anthology. There is an option to order extra copies of the book at a greatly reduced price for prize winners and also for everybody whose submissions are included - and details of how to order copies can be found HERE
Tomorrow we will be listing the other poems that are included in the Overseas Adults section of the Anthology – and that will that for this year’s competition!