Saturday, 3 November 2018

2018 Results - Overseas Under 18 Entries

Today we are pleased to announce the winning entries in the Overseas Under-18 Poems category of the competition.

The First Prize goes to the poem "Only If I Could Come Back" by Shreenabh Agrawal of Nagpur, India

2nd Prize goes to "A Message From Heaven" by Tara Stankovic of Belgrade, SERBIA

and 3rd Prize goes to "Bipolar" by Swarnila of Dhaka, Bangladesh

There is also a Highly Commended award for "Fire and Snow" sent in by Ashma Pandya of New Delhi, India

The winning poem is reproduced here below and all four poems are included in the Overseas anthology.

The prize winners will each receive a competition certificate and free copy of the anthology. There is an option to order extra copies of the book at a greatly reduced price for prize winners and also for everybody whose submissions are included - and details of how to order copies will be announced shortly.

Tomorrow we will be announcing the winners of the UK & Ireland Under 18 Poems Category – so do please check back!