Monday, 5 November 2018

2018 Results - United Kingdom & Ireland Under 18 Poems

Today – admittedly after some delay for which we sincerely apologise, we are pleased to announce the winning entries in the United Kingdom and Ireland Under-18 Poems category of the competition.

The First Prize goes to the poem "What’s The Point Of War?" by Bobby Dowling from Co Wicklow, Ireland

2nd Prize goes to "Hidden And Waiting" by Kaartika Chitturi from Northamptonshire

and 3rd Prize goes to "Under the Blanket of Summer" - A group poem written by Boyce class, Year 6, Mayflower Primary School. Written to commemorate the bombing of Upper North Street School, Poplar.

There is also a Highly Commended award for "Waiting In The Trenches" by Joel Butler of Woking, Surrey

The winning poem is reproduced here and all four poems are included in the Under 18s and Overseas anthology, along with a further selection which are listed at the bottom of this post.

The prize winners listed above will each receive a competition certificate and free copy of the anthology. There is an option to order extra copies of the book at a greatly reduced price for prize winners and also for everybody whose submissions are included - and details of how to order copies will be announced shortly.

Tomorrow we will be announcing the winners of the UK & Ireland Adult Poems Category – so do please check back!


Also included in the Selected Poems 2018 – Under 18 and Overseas Entries Anthology:

Soldier Saviours - Mary Williams – South Cave, East Yorkshire.

Public Health Warning Needed - Sohail Mirza, Halifax, Yorkshire

Number 119 - Natasha Syed , London
Echoes - Luke Brand, Chingford, London
Life in the Trenches - Patrick Tallentire

The Forgotten Soldier - Esme Smith, Liverpool
Oh Where To Start - Ben Jordan, St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, Aldershot

Enweghi Udo, No Peace - Antonia Cheema-Grubb, Putney, London.
We Remember The Pain - A Morely, St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, Aldershot
Tunnels - Joshua Granville-Hamshar, Wimbledon, London
You Fought For Our Country - Sofia Khudenko, St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, Aldershot

The Sky Was Grey - Faith James, St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, Aldershot

The Alarm On Their Faces - Oliver Williams, St Joseph’s Catholic Academy , Aldershot

The ones who sacrificed their lives for us - Charlie Owens, St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, Aldershot

Thank You To The Men - Laura Firpo, St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, Aldershot
A Dog’s Tale of War - Natalia Immordino, London

Gunshots Vibrated Through The Air - Amber McIver, London

Poppies - Tegan Owen, Pontyclun, South Wales
War Itself - Elena Armstrong, Nottinghamshire
Fallen - Jessica King, Guildford, Surrey
Each Day Begins - Meera Gosalia, Pinner, London
Oblivion of Life - Oscar Sheehan, Eastwood

She is the God of war - Rosie Cooke, Stroud, Gloucestershire

From a selection of letters written by children at St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, Aldershot, to a WW1 soldier immortalised on a war memorial:

Dear fellow Soldier - Isabelle Cluskey

Dear Troy - Hector Lawrence

Dear fellow soldier,- Oscar Trigo

Dear Soldier, - Theo Emett